Description: [On Play] DON!! -1(You may return the specified number of DON!! cards from your field to your DON!! deck.)You may trash 2 cards from your hand: Play up to 4 "GERMA 66" type Character cards with different card names and 4000 power or less from your trash.
[Activate:Main] [Once Per Turn] DON!! -1: Rest up to 1 of your opponent's DON!! cards.
Color: Purple
Card Type: Character
Cost: 8
Power: 8000
Subtype(s): The Vinsmoke Family;GERMA 66
Attribute: Slash
[On Play] DON!! -1(You may return the specified number of DON!! cards from your field to your DON!! deck.)You may trash 2 cards from your hand: Play up to 4 "GERMA 66" type Character cards with different card names and 4000 power or less from your trash.
[Activate:Main] [Once Per Turn] DON!! -1: Rest up to 1 of your opponent's DON!! cards.