Description: Your face-up Life cards are placed at the bottom of your deck instead of being added to your hand, according to the rules.
[DON!! x2][Activate: Main][Once Per Turn]You may trash 1 card from your hand: If you have 0 Life cards, add up to 2 Character cards with a cost of 5 from your hand or trash to the top of your Life cards face-up.
Color: Yellow
Card Type: Leader
Life: 4
Power: 5000
Subtype(s): Straw Hat Crew;Supernovas
Attribute: Strike
Your face-up Life cards are placed at the bottom of your deck instead of being added to your hand, according to the rules.
[DON!! x2][Activate: Main][Once Per Turn]You may trash 1 card from your hand: If you have 0 Life cards, add up to 2 Character cards with a cost of 5 from your hand or trash to the top of your Life cards face-up.